Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New blog

Hey, Did you like this blog!?

Then check out 
Tally & Shays World

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Tonight is the night, the release of the last of the Harry Potter journey. Tonight at midnight HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 2 comes out!!!!!!!!!!
Those of you who have been on this journey all the way may the film be everything you imagined and believed it would be. I am proud to be a part of this magical world that J.K. Rowling has created. Though this will be the last movie in the series, these won't be the last moments to remember Harry Potter. It has effected people around the world and may it continue to do so through the ages. I hope that my kids will be able to learn of the wonder I felt from this series and that they, too, may feel it. So as we grow old and new phases appear in society may Potter always be with us.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


You know what's pretty awesome right now. Netflix

Just yesterday, I watched this cute Japanese movie called Ponyo. It was sort of weird but still pretty good. It was about a cute little gold fish that met a little boy (Sōsuke) who took very good care of her. She then decided that she wanted to be human.
Also, my mom, my sister, and I have been very bewitched by a TV series called Charmed. It's about three sisters trying to face everyday life while they are ultimately the most powerful witches ever known.
Also through netflix I'm hoping to see Spirited Away, which is an Asian cartoon I saw like four years ago. I hardly remember it and I'm amazed I was able to find it (thank the Lord for wikipedia,) but I think I'll like it.
Vampire Knight, and

Teen Titans
Yep, so that's what I've been watching. My family really loves movies. I wish summer would slow down, it's going by so fast. I've been doing a workout program with my school Mondays through Thursdays and I ran 2 miles this morning.

Shay (a.k.a. Savannah)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blackberries, Soccer, & Fireworks

I'm currently enjoying myself at my grandparents' (who I call Papa and Kiki.) I love them so much. Yesterday, Papa went and picked blackberries that grow out in the pasture and Kiki made them into an awesome cobbler that was super delicious!

I miss Tally! She's up in Pennsylvania. :( I hope she's having fun. I've been working out down here with a workout program my school's athletics department has been offering. It's great. Soccer tryouts for a local club team are coming up. (I missed the first day but I'm going to the next two.)

Some more of my families coming over later and I think we're going to shoot some fireworks tonight to celebrate the fourth. Should be fun.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unpacking and Bread

   We spent the day unpacking the travel trailer that got here today. Oddly enough it was actually hot here. Surprising, considering I've heard so much about how much cooler Pennsylvania is than Texas.
Tally and I didn't sleep in as much as usual. We got up at 10 (which is around when the trailer arrived.) and unloaded until about 5, taking a break for lunch around 1. Had hot dogs for lunch which were really good and just now had some chicken Alfredo for dinner from an Italian restaurant in town.

You know whats strange, there aren't any Mexican food places here. No Lupe's, or Papacitas or Taco Cabana. It's weird because everywhere you look in Texas there's a Mexican food place but here there's pizza, other Italian, and BREAD! man, these people LOVE bread. It's really cool because there are a ton of bakeries all over. What's super neat is that there's this one bakery right on the way coming back to Alex's house from town, and every time you drive by it, there's this awesome smell that is absolutely amazing. If perfect and absolute happiness had a smell that would be it. so that was pretty sweet.
Going to bed. Night. Shay

I'm already really sore from all of the boxes we moved today. I bet that tomorrow. It'll be worse. bummer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pennsylvania & Breaking Dawn

We made it. These past three days Tally, her family (dad, mom, sister,) and I have been riding to their new house. It's in Pennsylvania, and it's a really neat place. We drove up here about 1400  miles. It was a very long drive. We stopped three nights on the road and made it here sometime around six or seven. On this adventure I gained the experience of riding through Texas (duh,) Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. It was all really cool. West Virginia was exceptionally pretty. There's a lot of mountains you see and we were driving really high up. At one point we even drove through the cloud bank. Crazy huh! It was so neat. It looked as if you could just reach out and brush a cloud with your hand. Also for the first time ever I ate at a Cracker Barrel. It was really really yummy! If you haven't eaten at a Cracker Barrel before I definitely recommend that you eat at one as soon as possible. They're awesome!

Also you know what, Alex's (a.k.a. Tally's) room is in the basement! dun dun dawawawwww! (<-- scary themed music.) anyways, it's really cool. She has three rooms down there to herself!! Awesome right. Every teenager's dream. So that's a super Pro.... con: there's no bathroom down there so you have come up the stairs in order to brush your teeth at night.
Pro: You have an entire floor to yourself and the other rooms are on the second floor so there's a whole floor between you and the 'rents Con: The bed is right under the living room so you can hear the TV when you try to sleep.
Pro: You have three rooms to put all your stuff in Con: There's one tiny closet.
Pro: there's a door leading to the outside (the dirt is lower on one side of the house) Con: The door takes ten minutes to open, and another ten to shut.  Anyways you get the picture. Also for some reason last night when we were at the house we couldn't get the wifi (wireless internet for the less technological people out there) to work. but this morning it did so I was on my facebook, then my updates w/ my messages and stuff. I read my TEAM TWILIGHT update and it gave a link for some cool pics. Here's one I thought was pretty neat.
I have to go. Adios, Shay

p.s. Just letting you know around Alex's house, the woods look like the ones from Twilight. Just thought that was a neat little tid bit.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

X-Men First Class June 3, 2011

On the night of June 2nd I went to the midnight premiere for the movie X-Men First Class with Tally, my mom, and my sister.

 The movie was really good. It was neat to go back in the past but it was sad at the end when Magneto went bad and when Professor X lost his feeling in his legs. I know you're thinking, but you've already seen the other movies so you knew it was going to happen, my come back is that yes, but I didn't know it would happen then! There were two things I didn't know before this movie, first of all Mystique and Professor X, Raven and Charles used to be amazing friends, and she's older than I thought she was. Though it was weird to see these characters in their youger forms I liked figuring how everything ended up where we began.

So that was neat. Something that did catch me off guard though is while I was waiting for the credits to end to see if there was any footage at the end (like in Thor, or Iron Man 2) when JENNIFER LAWRENCE came on screen. WHAT! I was very excited, because in case you didn't know Jennifer Lawrence will be playing Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games (March 23, 2011), and I had never seen her in a movie before then when I didn't know it. I looked up her role and was pleased to discover that she was Mystique/Raven who had been a very good character.


And I noticed that I had seen the actor who played Charles Xavier, Professor X, previously. He had played as Tom Lefroy in the movie Becoming Jane. His name is James McAvoy. He was a great actor for Charles Xavier and filled the role well. One thing though is that he looked much younger than he was, about 31.

James in Becoming Jane.
Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) playing chess with  Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender.) If you're a fan of the X-Men movies go see this as soon as possible if not watch all the rest, then go see it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dallas Travel

So I'm in Dallas.

Staying with Tally, some of her fam, and their friends. Currently Tally and I are sitting on a couch in a room of this neat hotel. Room's great, there's a pool me and Tally are going to test, and their are tons of awesome restaurants in Dallas. Don't know where we're going to eat out but I'm sure going to be cool. Tata for now. Keep you posted, literally.


also I think that  tomorrow Abby's sis and friends will go to Six Flags tomorrow.